Question: is everyone's brain different because of the amount we use it


  1. Everyone’s brain is different – there are some genetic differences from the outset, but then the way you use it will determine how your brain develops.

    As you learn new things, that will change how the connections in the brain develop – for example a professional sports person might have developed really good connections in the parts of the brain that control movement, or eye-hand co-ordination, while someone who is a translator, or speaks lots of languages will have more connections in the language part of the brain.


  2. They sure are! The basic structure is the same, but the way our cells connect and talk to each other is different between people.
    This is because our experiences, the things we learn, hear, see, touch are what actually makes our brain cells connect together! So even identical twins have different brains because no-2 people have the exact same experiences.


  3. I agree with Em and Kris, each brain if different due to all sorts of influences.

    Did you know that the brain is pretty adaptable too? There are cases of people with just a thin layer of brain tissue (due to water build up in the skull) who have all the regular brain functions.

