Question: does ice cream give you nightmares

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  1. I hope I’m not going to get you in trouble with your parents-but probably not!!!
    The ice cream itself if ok as an occasional treat but because it has a lot of sugar in it, its probably best to avoid eating it just before bed because scientists have shown that lots of sugar before bed can cause nightmares.


  2. Nopes!

    But it does make for delicious desserts!



  1. No I dont know of any research that says that ice cream can guve you nightmares. But ice cream does have presevratives and additives that may mayke your sleep worse and potentially nightmares as well.
    Usually plain dairy food, such as mlk can actually make you sleep better becuase it has tryptophans in it….chemicals that naturally make you sleep !


  2. I believe it does as the colder temperature of the ice cream, gives you a colder body temperature, causing you to wake up.


  3. cool i never have nghtmares.
