Question: how can you trick your brain into doing amazing things like holdin your breath for longer than the average body can?


  1. Oooh, interesting question!!!
    I’m not sure of the exact answer, but I think you can train your body to increase your lung capacity (so your lungs can hold more air), the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood and slow your heart rate down so that the amount of oxygen in your blood is at a maximum.
    The urge to breathe comes from the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood. Carbon dioxide is released after the cells in organs have used up the oxygen in your blood. The carbon dioxide makes your blood more acidic and this is detected by the neurons within the brainstem.
    So it is possible to an extent, but it can be dangerous because you could faint and if this happens under water, you could drown!


  2. .



  1. thank you that is very helpful. yes i watched a documentary about extreme bodies and one of them was the worldrecord holder for holding their breath for a long time and they did this test where they saw that he could control his heart rate using his brain i believe and right now i’m very interested in that right now
