Question: do you slice dead peoples brain open like amy in the big bang theory

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  1. No, I just work with live humans! Fortunately there’s many ways that we can study the brain without needing to cut into anyone (we call this “non-invasive). Some examples that I used include brain imaging (e.g., MRI), electrophysiology (e.g., electrodes placed on the head to record brain activity), non-invasive brain stimulation (e.g., magnetically stimulate the brain through a stimulating machine that is simply placed over the head).


  2. Most people tend to object to being sliced open.

    I work with brain tissue from dead patients and grow the brain celles coming from the tissue in plastic flasks.

    Most of what you see in The Big Bang theory isn’t a terribly good depiction of neuroscience. It is incredibly funny though!


  3. No, only live humans for me!!! It’s a good show though. 🙂


  4. Sure do! But only if we have the person’s permission before they have died.
    It is a very special thing when someone donates their body to science because we can learn so much!! Its very cool.

