Question: are you married

Keywords: ,

  1. Not me! Don’t have time! Plus, being a scientist generally means moving around a lot, and then your partner would have to move with you. I am seeing someone though.. so who knows..


  2. Sure am. I married a Frenchman when living and working in France and bought him back to Australia!


  3. Yes and lucky for me, happily married!!
    My husband and I met at university many, many, many years ago….


  4. I am not married – I tend to force my boyfriends to participate in my experiments…I think that might scare them away… 😀


  5. Yep, coming up to 10 years! Have two beautiful children, Liam (5) and Dylan (1). Love being a Dad. My wife’s also a scientist, working clinically as a medical scientist at the Red Cross Blood Service.

