Question: How does your memory work? as in how does it memorize things
Asked by rchal200 to Emma, Josie, Kristyn, Peter, Sarah on 27 Aug 2013. This question was also asked by cccaaazzzaaa, unicornsarereal, cciiaarraa, hollysmurf, kaseyt2, cookies, cupcake02.
Basically, there is a small part of your brain called the hippocampus that forms new memories. It receives all sorts of information such as the things you see, hear and feel to make a memory. If the memory gets “remembered” a lot of times or is a particularly strong one, it can then get stored in another part of the brain.
There have been a number of questions about memories and how they are formed, so check those answers out as well, particularly the answers from @Emma!
Check out the answers to this question – I think they cover it pretty well!
Yay for Kristyn and Emma.. I’ve nothing to add 🙂