Often, when people are brain tumours, their behaviour will change because the tumour will be pressing on other parts of the brain, and may affect the way that these parts work, for example movement, or language.
When tumours are removed, the surgeons usually do tests to determine what function the brain surrounding the tumour has, so that they can try to avoid damaging the healthy brain as much as possible. However, sometimes it is impossible to remove the tumour without damaging healthy brain, and so this can affect the patient post-surgery.
If language parts of the brain are damaged, the person may have speech impediments, if parts of the motor cortex are damaged, it could affect the person’s movement.
So basically, having a tumour removed can affect people’s brains and behaviours in 2 ways:
1. It will change any behaviour which may have been caused by the presence of the tumour (this is usually a good thing!)
2. If any damage occurs as a result of the operation, it can affect how well the parts of the damaged brain work – this is generally a bad thing.
This is a good question!
Often, when people are brain tumours, their behaviour will change because the tumour will be pressing on other parts of the brain, and may affect the way that these parts work, for example movement, or language.
When tumours are removed, the surgeons usually do tests to determine what function the brain surrounding the tumour has, so that they can try to avoid damaging the healthy brain as much as possible. However, sometimes it is impossible to remove the tumour without damaging healthy brain, and so this can affect the patient post-surgery.
If language parts of the brain are damaged, the person may have speech impediments, if parts of the motor cortex are damaged, it could affect the person’s movement.
So basically, having a tumour removed can affect people’s brains and behaviours in 2 ways:
1. It will change any behaviour which may have been caused by the presence of the tumour (this is usually a good thing!)
2. If any damage occurs as a result of the operation, it can affect how well the parts of the damaged brain work – this is generally a bad thing.