Question: why would you use your prize money to swim with sharks, besides the fact that you think it would be a good experience? do you really think that this will help your research to-wards the brain, if so how?

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  1. I’ve always liked experimenting on myself with regards to anxiety and depression. I’ve suffered from both and I’ve always been interested in behavioral things one could do to fix those chemical imbalances.

    I have a theory that exposing someone to real world scary things that don’t actually cause harm can desensitize the person from anxiety over non-real or perceived causes for anxiety. And I thought I’d test it on myself.

    In the worst case I will have had a relaxing time blanking my mind to all the research thoughts so that I can look at things dorm a different angle. At best, I’ve got an indication of where anxiety therapy should go.

    Thanks for the question.

