Question: if you could bring one person back from the "dead" who would it be

  1. Interesting….I think talking to some of your family’s ancestors would be kind of cool, to find out more about them, what life was like in the past and where you actually came from!
    It would also be good to bring back a religious figure, like Jesus Christ, because maybe he could clear up a few things and solve some of the issues that affect people and can cause wars.


  2. I agree that my ancestors way back would be fun to bring back. We could learn so much form them……….


  3. John Lennon


  4. Maybe a genius like Michelangelo, to see what he would make of this world and what great ideas he’d have in our time.

    Or maybe the earliest human, to see what their brain and behavior was like!



  1. I would totaly bring back Micheal Jackson. TRILLER, BAD, SMOOTH CRIMINAL, BLACK OR WHITE and all my favourites would be back!
