Question: Do animals brains work differently to human brains and why?

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  1. They are not terribly different in most things, for most mammals anyway. Of course non-mammals can be a bit different. There is for instance a snail with just the one giant neuron, that’s a bit different, and earthworms have nerve centers all over their body.

    Still, neurons are neurons and they tend to work in the same way.


  2. The neurons tend to work the same way, but there are more than just neurons in the brain, and there are lots of different types of neurons as well. Some neurons have an excitatory effect and some have an effect that stops other cells from being excited. This means that there is a fine balance between neurons becoming activated or not-when this goes wrong, things like epilepsy can happen.
    Primates, such as monkeys and humans and other intelligent species such as dolphins, have more complex brains. They have more glial, or non-neuronal cells than neuronal cells in the brain, they have more connections between neuronal cells, and their brains tend to have more areas that are specific for specific tasks, such as hearing or sight.
    So, its not just the size of the brain that counts, but how the brain is wired together that matters.


  3. As the others have said – the brains themselves are not that different (in mammals anyway), but their function can be different, depending on what adaptive traits the animals have which allow them to survive in the wild.



  1. do you know what creature has the most different brain to a human and why is it’s brain so different?
